KJH Cares

Through our KJH Cares program, we regularly commit time, talent and treasure to charitable organizations in the communities where we live, work and play

KJH Cares and Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund

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KJ Harrison is a proud supporter of the Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund. TSCBF held their annual Art Show, featuring the works of over 25 Canadian artists, and raised more than $42,000 to send deserving campers, to one of their registered camps. Through the Bursary Fund, campers who may otherwise not be able to cover camp fees, are able to develop their leadership skills, build self-confidence and foster an appreciation of nature.  At the art show, we heard from one of this years’ bursary recipients who told us a little bit about the amazing time he had at Camp Couchiching and how many great new friends he made. Please check out the Art Show Catalogue here http://tscbf.com/2017-art-show.html

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