KJH Fixed Income Fund
What is the investment objective of the KJH Fixed Income Fund?
The investment objective of the Fund is to provide a stable source of income through an actively managed, diversified portfolio of predominately North American fixed income, debt, debt-like and preferred share securities.
The Fund’s portfolio is designed to preserve capital by primarily being invested in investment-grade issuers.
What does the KJH Fixed Income Fund invest in?
The Fund shall primarily follow a long-only investment strategy that will seek to deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns and stable income while emphasizing the preservation of capital. The Fund will target predominately investment-grade North American corporate bonds and government bonds.
Why this asset mix?
In connection with baseline interest rates moving off of the zero lower bound, opportunities have presented themselves to own short-duration bonds of very high-quality companies while receiving an attractive coupon. This can function as an attractive alternative to simply holding cash.
What is the role of the KJH Fixed Income Fund in your portfolio?
For those who wish to remain defensively positioned, this Fund provides an opportunity to earn an incremental return above that of cash, in return for taking, what we believe to be very limited amounts of credit risk. Due to the conservative nature of the holdings, this Fund should provide less volatility than traditional equity funds.