Periodic insights from our Investment and Private Client Teams on a broad range of investment and advice-related topics
Love is always better the second time around, as the old song goes. Yet the reality is that new relationships later in life can be fraught with peril, especially from a financial perspective.
While divorce isn’t easy for anyone, it can be particularly complex for wealthy families. Dividing more assets means couples face more legal complexities, and sometimes more heartaches.
Divorce hurts. And it can be hardest on those who experience it later in life. Sarah Bull, Partner & Portfolio Manager, speaks to about supporting clients through late-life divorce.
Published in the Divorce Magazine - Sarah Bull, Partner & Portfolio Manager, writes that no one goes into a relationship planning for it to end. But in many ways, the stakes are higher the second (or third) time around.
Not enough of us give our finances as much attention as we give our health. Yet, your financial wellbeing requires the same regular attention, particularly when it comes to preparing for life’s detours. Let’s call them the three Ds – death, divorce and disability.