
Periodic insights from our Investment and Private Client Teams on a broad range of investment and advice-related topics

Wealth, Health & Kids

What to Expect Financially When Your Spouse Passes

Preparing in advance can ease the financial challenges that arise after the loss of a spouse. Our guide offers practical tips on what to do in the event of a death, helping you navigate taxes, asset transfers, and other complexities with less stress.

When Thinking About Where To Give, Let’s Think Local, Too

This Giving Tuesday, let’s embrace the spirit of philanthropy by thinking locally—Canada’s communities need our support now more than ever.

As Climate Risk Mounts, Is It Time for Canadian Snowbirds To Pick a New Roost?

Florida has long been a favourite winter retreat for Canadians, but recent hurricanes are causing many to reconsider their investment in the Sunshine State.

The Challenge of Dying Digitally

'Dying digitally' can become extremely complicated for your loved ones if you do not account for it in your estate planning.

Why the CPP matters—and when you should take it

The Canada Pension Plan is an important consideration for anyone planning for retirement, regardless of their wealth. For high-net-worth individuals, while the CPP might seem small compared to other income sources, it offers stability and inflation-indexed benefits.

Six Habits of Highly Successful Retirees: A Guide to Preparing for a Sound Financial Future

In our view, the process of retirement planning should involve a greater depth of thought and breadth of preparation than simply asking “When?” and “How much?”. This guide distills our thinking about how best to prepare for a sound financial future in later life.

Changes to the Alternative Minimum Tax are coming. Are you ready?

If, like many high-net-worth individuals, you are committed to supporting your community through philanthropic donations, then you might want to pay attention to upcoming changes to the federal government’s Alternative Minimum Tax program.

How to Have the Family Wealth Talk

If you’re like many people, you will be trying to reap the best of summer while it lasts by spending extra time with your family. Yet, to the usual itinerary of eating great food, taking in the sun or the sights, or hanging out on the dock, try adding one other item: having a chat with your children about money.

The Changing Realities of Retirement – And What They Mean for You

We all want our retirement to embody positive change, of course. Yet, to make our retirement dreams come true, we need to understand how retirement itself is changing – and how our financial planning must adapt as a result.

First Home Savings Account

Since 1992, the best option for tax-advantaged savings for a first-time home purchase has been the RRSP Home Buyers’ Plan, now there is a new king of the tax-advantaged ring in town in the form of the Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA).

Estate Planning Check-In: Why Now Is the Time to Ask, “What If?”

When planning for risk, people often focus exclusively on “big” things like portfolio management, business structure, retirement goals, and the like. But the “little” things are often the ones that make life the most financially and emotionally difficult for families in the wake of a death.

You’ve Received an Inheritance. Now What?

Most people would consider receiving a large sum of money as an unadulteratedly happy occurrence. Yet, as we know from our decades of advising high-net-worth individuals and families, the reality is far more complicated than that, especially when an inheritance is involved.

Financial Literacy and the Next Generation

No matter the size of the portfolio or the age of their children, many of our clients are wondering how to raise their kids with the skills and knowledge they need to be financially competent.

In Succession Planning, The Perfect Is the Enemy of the Good

In our advisory meetings with family business owners, we have noticed that more and more of them are thinking deeply about what they really want to do with their lives in the future, including whether, when and how they will pass their company on to the next generation.

Navigating Today’s Technological Landscape

What was once only imaginable in our wildest dreams is now our reality ʺAs we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.ʺ – Bill Gates Tech Trends are Shaping […]

Buying Real Estate – How to Effectively Give Money to Your Children

With interest rates rising, the housing market seems to be in a state of flux. The direction of housing prices – up, down or sideways – is a hot topic of conversation around dinner tables and office watercoolers, which is hardly surprising given how much wealth Canadians’ have tied up in their homes.

Spring Cleaning for Your Estate Planning

Of all our financial affairs, planning for when we are not around is probably the most tempting one to put off. But it is also one of the most important. Setting aside a day or two every spring to do a “clean-up” of your estate planning documents will ensure they accurately reflect your goals.

Retirement Planning & the Lessons of COVID

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on our daily lives for over a year. For many people approaching or in retirement, the pandemic has prompted a significant rethinking of their future lifestyle and finances. As part of our Wealth, Health & Kids series, the KJH team has outlined six considerations relevant to retirement planning in the post-COVID world.

Cybersecurity Awareness – Prevention and Protection

As October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, KJ Harrison outlines the most common cyberattacks and how you can carry out simple security measures to protect yourself and mitigate potential security risks.

The Facts about SPACs

Since the first one launched in the early 2000s, special purpose acquisition companies – SPACs, for short – have largely occupied a small niche of the financial world.

Senior Loans – The Search for Income in a Low Yield Environment

KJH CEO, Joel Clark, and Wellington Square Portfolio Manager, Jeff Sujitno, outline the investment case for Senior Loans in a low-yield environment.

Q&A with CEO, Joel Clark, and Chief Investment Officer, Peter Barlas

A unique approach to strategic wealth management: a conversation with KJ Harrison CEO Joel Clark and Chief Investment Officer Peter Barlas.

Why you need a co-habitation or marriage contract the second-time around

Published in the Divorce Magazine - Sarah Bull, Partner & Portfolio Manager, writes that no one goes into a relationship planning for it to end. But in many ways, the stakes are higher the second (or third) time around.

Helping your child purchase a home? Know your options

As natural as it is for parents to want to help their children, it is not a decision to be taken lightly. Beyond the impact on the parents’ financial situation, gifting or lending money to children for a home purchase can have legal and tax implications – and may even impact family dynamics and relationships.


KJ Harrison worked with Canada’s foremost financial services research provider, Strategic Insight (formerly Investor Economics), to publish a white paper on, The New Attitudes and Expectations Among High Net Worth Canadians.

Unlocking the Value in Your Business – Preparing an Exit Strategy

“The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people is to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don’t know what the hell they’re doing or who on earth they are can get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self.”

Strategic Use of Trusts

Trusts are a valuable planning tool that can be a very important part of wealth management planning for high net worth families.  A well-structured trust can be very effective, allowing for a number of immediate tax strategies and future estate planning strategies.

What a Trojan Horse Can Teach us About Planning and Strategy

Working with several high net worth individuals across the country, we at KJ Harrison Investors have come to understand and appreciate the many complexities associated with wealth, and the important role that having a solid strategy plays in the management of these complex issues.

Alternative Asset Investment Strategies – An Important Source of Diversification in an Evolving Market

After a 30-year bull market in bonds and a strong, multi-year recovery in equities following the global Great Recession of 2008-09, investors wonder what lies ahead for financial markets.

How to Prepare your Finances for the Three D’s – Death, Divorce and Disability

Not enough of us give our finances as much attention as we give our health. Yet, your financial wellbeing requires the same regular attention, particularly when it comes to preparing for life’s detours. Let’s call them the three Ds – death, divorce and disability.

Indexing, Revisited

Indexing, or passive investment management, is one of the more prominent investment strategies. We discuss why indexing has become so popular, the challenges of indexing, and when indexing is useful (and not useful) for private clients.

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